Videos aren't moved to custom folder

In Zotero (preferences/advanced/files and folders) I have defined the custom folder for the library: So usually, when I add a file to Zotero, Zotero moves this item - pdf or whatever - to this custom folder and adds a link to it in Zotero itself.

However this does not work for video files; no video files are moved to the custom folder. What do I have to change, so that Zotero moves these mp4, vlc etc. files as well?

Thank you for your help! :o)
  • Where does Zotero save those files instead? Any file you attach should be added to the storage folder in your Zotero data directory, whether you have that in a custom location or not.
  • No. When I add a file to Zotero it first goes to the data storage and I can see the file itself added to the entry in Zotero standalone on my desktop. Then Zotero moves the file - .pdf, .docx or whatever - to the defined custom folder (in this case in the cloud, so that all my Zotero installations on all computers have access to theses files in the "library"). And in Zotero on my desktop the file is replaced by a link to it in the custom folder/"library".
    This works perfectly for all kinds of files instead of, as I said, video files. So again: Do you have an idea, why Zotero doesn't move video files to the custom folder as it does with all the other files?
  • You seem to be describing ZotFile functionality, not Zotero functionality. ZotFile only moves certain file types by default, but you can customize that in the advanced settings.
  • Thank you for the solution. Now it works fine. :o)
  • Just to avoid future misunderstandings: The location your files are moved to are determined in the Zotfile preferences, not in the Zotero preferences.

    Given your set-up, you should _not_ have a custom location specified under preferences/advanced/files and folders, though you probably _do_ want the library folder specified as a relative link base directory.
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