on a film type, who decides what Genre value to use?


on a film type who is the authority on what genre a film is in?
  • @bwiernik has done most of the conceptual work on this, but I don't think the "genre" as typically defined for movies ("horror," "romantic comedy," etc.) makes a lot of sense as referencing data and the corresponding CSL variable (though currently define to actually refer to genre) is more commonly used for type descriptions.

    (Not exactly your question, I realize, and if you want a categorization I'd imagine IMDB would be the most authoritative one)
  • So, what I'm hearing is that there isn't a bibliographic authority (such as an LOC ontology), but there might be a social authority (IMDB). Can anyone point me to a citation style which uses this?
  • I don't think there is one -- that's what I meant when I said 'I don't think the "genre" as typically defined for movies ("horror," "romantic comedy," etc.) makes a lot of sense as referencing data'

    (Generally helpful to include some context for such questions; it's hard to answer helpfully without knowing why you're interested in something)
  • Right, I understand now. Thanks.
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