updated citation style file for IEEE infoViz?


Is there an updated citation style file for IEEE InfoViz papers? 

They follow the "IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics" style. There is a file for that listed here: https://www.zotero.org/styles. But it appears to be not aligned with the current formatting guidelines. Specifically:
=> References should be ordered alphabetically
=> Multiple inline citations should be combined in the same bracket (i.e. [3, 91] not [3], [91])
=> others?

I have had some success finding individually modified versions elsewhere online, but nothing that has fully implemented the styles. I would love to know if there is another place I should look!

Thank you
  • Could you link to a style guide for this? Currently the style just follows standard IEEE, for which both of those things are correct.
  • I couldn't find the style guide detailing this so I've asked the journal to direct me to it and will share what I hear from them.

    I noticed this because reviewers for my paper in this journal commented on the incorrect formatting. I double checked it against recently published papers in this conference as well, for example:

    (these are the archived pre-print versions but are consistent with the "official" versions)
  • Looking at the most recent issue of the journal, they do not group multiple citations together nor order the bibliography alphabetically: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8636969

    I suspect your reviewers are mistaken.
  • Hmm, interesting. I dug in a bit more and there seems to be a mix.

    For example, in the same issue as the paper you mentioned there also these ones (among others) with non-grouped citations but alphabetical bibliography:

    Many of the papers from the most recent conference (2019) also use the alphabetical bibliography (and sometimes combined citations) as linked here:

    There are also some other formatting differences between the journal vs conference requirements (e.g. page lengths). So I'm not quite sure what's going on. Hopefully the journal/conference will get back to me with clarification.
  • Just to update, the response from the journal was:

    "The most detailed document we have is here: https://tc.computer.org/vgtc/publications/journal/ It will answer some of your questions. For others (e.g., should citations be combined or not), we don’t have any recommendation/preference."

    So, apparently both ways are correct.

    Though the journal accepts either, another of my reviewers has suggested that the citations should be combined. The editors recommended that I follow their suggestion on this.

    I would love to know about any existing styles that follow the same formatting but combine adjacent citations in the text. Or, the best way to easily make this change in the style file.

    Thank you
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