Name alphabetization

edited July 28, 2020
This is only loosely Zotero related (in that I've downloaded articles with the names of the authors below). I've tried to find information in cataloging guides. I hope someone can help. This has been causing me discomfort for a few years. Have I been looking in the wrong places and meeting with the wrong people? I even tried looking at international Pronunciation Alphabet guides thinking this might be related to something akin to an !-click.

I have tried without success to find a rule about how to position last names such as:


Each of these authors has multiple journal articles. I have their first names and have been able to find email addresses at their universities but they have not responded to my queries. Their names are presented that way on the university websites. I've been unable to find anything about this naming convention.


  • These are abbreviations in Ethiopian names.

    “G/“ is “Gebre”

    “H/“ I believe is “Haile”
  • edited July 28, 2020
    @bwiernik Thank you for the insight. I "knew" it was something like that but I (who has made a career out of trying to facilitate information-seeking) couldn't find where to look.

    I now see that each of the authors have published with the abbreviated version of their names and with the abbreviated name fully spelled. If I follow the convention of keeping all author names the same in Zotero records I guess that I should edit the names with abbreviations to become fully spelled-out. But that raises another question. Three authors in my database with fully spelled names have published with their names spelled with a hyphen and without the hyphen separator. I'll need to do more consulting of cataloging rules.

    Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.
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