How to publish documents so Zotero can automatically grab meta-data?

My organization publishes a lot of reports online. When I save them into Zotero, they often show up as PDF documents without parent items. Sometimes they show up as journal articles with the wrong meta-data. How can I work with our website managers to publish online reports such that Zotero can access the meta-data correctly?
  • edited July 24, 2020

    edit: If you want to see a live example of this visit my website, do a search from the homepage, select a record, and view the page source code. The header tags are where the metadata resides or you can also set up UnAPI as we did. About 80% of the 630,000 records in the database were captured by Zotero and edited in Zotero before being exported from Zotero in MODS to be imported into the SafetyLit database. Suggestion: text-word search for 'SR2S' without the quotes. That will find 600+ articles about children walking or bicycling to and from school.
  • I think the question is about PDFs specifically, i.e. Zotero's retrieve metadata function and that's a bit trickier. The best way to ensure correct metadata is to publish with a DOI and include that prominently. Everything else is a lot less reliable.
  • But you could expose metadata on an article page and declare the PDF in a meta tag (citation_pdf_url), to allow saving metadata and the PDF together.
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