in-text citations with Libre Office


This feels like a bit of noob question but I have been scouring the net and can't figure it out.

My work current work flow is

Copy citation link from Zotero
Add as footnote in Scrivener eg. { | Miyazaki, 2012 | | |zu:0:MF5VE72D}
Save as OTF
Scan and save in Zotero
Open in LibreOffice.

All good the footnotes are there I can change style with the plugin etc etc.

Only problem is I want to try in-text citations, not numbers in my text and I can't figure out how to change that.

All my references look like this

" tradition of music notation 1. "

but I want " tradition of music notation (Author, Date)"

If anyone could help me figure out how to change it I would be really grateful.

Many thanks

  • This is controlled by what citation style you set in the document. After you have scanned the document, in LibreOffice, click Document Preferences in the Zotero toolbar and choose the style you want (e.g., Chicago Author Date).
  • I don't think that's the problem here, no. Rather it's this:
    Add as footnote in Scrivener eg. { | Miyazaki, 2012 | | |zu:0:MF5VE72D}
    If you insert a citation in a footnote in Scrivener (and thus in LibreOffice), it will always remain in a footnote and there's no reasonable way to get it to be an in text citation.
    You should insert all citations as in-text in scrivener (i.e. put the marker in line). On converting to a citation style, Zotero can then both format them as in-text (e.g. author-date) citations or as footnotes/endnotes via the citation style.
  • Brilliant thanks both!
    Adamsmith you hit the nail on the head. I thought it might be possible you just switch to in-text citations in libre but it works if I do it the way you suggested.

    The footnotes don't seem to appear though, but they are definetely scanned ok and I can generate a bibliography. Probably just need to spend a bit more time thinking exactly how I want to do things now. Thanks again.
  • You mean they don't appear when you use your original method? I vaguely recall some issues with footnotes in Scrivener's ODF export.
  • Hi Adam,

    Probably not clear... its hard to describe but I will try here.

    Method one.
    Copy citation link from Zotero
    Add as footnote in Scrivener eg. { | Author, Date | | |zu:0:MF5VE72D}
    Save as OTF
    Scan and save in Zotero
    Open in LibreOffice.

    All references are numbered and citations displayed as footnotes. The format of these footnotes can be changed using "Set document Preferences" but numbers in text can not be changed into in-text citations.

    Method two.
    Copy citation link from Zotero
    Add in-text in Scrivener eg. { | Miyazaki, 2012 | | |zu:0:MF5VE72D}
    Save as OTF
    Scan and save in Zotero
    Open in LibreOffice.

    All references are in-text and can be changed to numbers or styles within the text using "Set document Preferences".

    But there are no footnotes appearing at the bottom of the pages.

    Is that normal?

    At the moment I am thinking I will just use method one and then add in my own inline citations by hand.

    Many thanks

  • I'd guess you're just using the wrong citation style for the second option. Numeric styles like Vancouver, Nature, or IEEE don't have footnotes -- they show references in the bibliography.

    Try Chicago (full note) and you should see footnotes.
  • Thanks for your patience with this Adam. It might be just my missunderstanding of the formats. So if I switch to Chicago (full note), references are numbered and full references show at the bottome of the page.

    If I use Harvard the references are cited in text but full references do not appear at the bottom of the page. I have to generated a bibliography.

  • That's correct, yes, that's how "Harvard" citation styles generally work (both in Zotero and in general)
  • Brilliant thanks. Glad its now my understanding and not the technology. I am sure I can figure out the best way to do it now. Thanks so much for your time. Cheers
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