Zotero standalone 5.0 on Mac - tries to find old WebDav server

Dear forum,

I have been using Zotero Standalone for a while on my new Mac. I recently tried to sync my zotero library, and I keep getting an error message that zotero cannot connect to my previous, no longer online, WebDav server. This is despite me setting up Zotero with the correct details of my new WebDav server.

Can you advise?
  • Can you provide a Debug ID for a Verify Server attempt for the new server, followed by a sync that results in it trying the old server?
  • Hello, thank you, I have done this - unfortunately the log is rather long as Zotero whene it is trying to connect uses a lot of my CPU time and causes the 'spinning wheel of death' unless I turn sync off.


    Many thanks agian.
  • Start by temporarily disabling Better BibTeX — there's a massive amount of debug output from that. (@emilianoeheyns, why is BBT doing so much, and logging so much, during a sync?)

    Then provide another Debug ID for Verify Server and a separate one for the sync, making sure you actually wait until you get the WebDAV error. You submitted this in the middle of data syncing, before there was any sign of a problem.
  • Here is the bibtex disabled, restarted, verify server log, submitted after notified complete.

  • edited June 20, 2020
    I don't know why it would do or log much specifically during a sync. I don't react specifically to a sync. Can I see a relevant part of the log? Maybe I have some old diagnosis logging that can be removed.
  • Since disabling bibtex I havent been given the error yet and still syncing! I'll let you know when it has finished.
  • The one thing that comes to mind is that a sync will cause many item changes, and I do respond to those. If I can await until a running sync done, I can defer the change handling to after it's finished, but that would just push the problem forward.
  • @emilianoeheyns: It looks like auto-export is running. Tons of lines of "enc_latex: […]" and multiple "Beginning translation with Better BibLaTeX" with lots of "Zotero.Utilities.Internal.itemToExportFormat took…", for a huge number of items.
  • Sync complete, lots and lots of log, no server error thrown, no spinning wheel.

  • Ah, that makes sense, depending on the order in which items are saved, a sync could indeed lead to a cascade of auto exports. Can I await the end of a sync somehow? Then I can defer auto exports until the sync is done.
  • There are 'start' and 'finish' notifier events for type 'sync' that you could watch for.
  • What if I try it now a complete new sync has finished?
  • Sorry, what's your question?
  • I meant what if I retry a sync with bibtex enabled now that I have got a complete sync done with the new server settings?
  • edited June 20, 2020
    I will remove those logging statements, I used those for performance tests but they're not needed now. They're only active when extended logging is on btw, bbt logging is disabled when that's off.
  • Re-synced with bibtex enabled - no error thrown!
  • So I'm not very good / familiar with zotero forums. How do I rate this as being immensely helpful and responsive?
  • No need for that — we're happy to help.
  • Alsmost all debug logging has been stripped, and BBT now pauses auto-exports during sync. Tests are running for a new release.
  • New version is out
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