Found a workaround for "Zotero experienced an error updating your document." in OneDrive
I was getting the "Zotero experienced an error updating your document." error when trying to add citations in a Word doc saved in my OneDrive folder (the doc otherwise worked fine when saved in other folders).
I have found that it seems to only affect docs with spaces in their filenames, e.g. "Breguetv11" works but "Breguet v11" does not. Renaming afflicted files (i.e. deleting any spaces) makes them work again.
I hope that this works for anybody else who has had this issue.
I reported this using this debug thingy- D1352619682. It'd be nice if it could be fixed, but if it can't then perhaps the workaround added to the "" page?
I was getting the "Zotero experienced an error updating your document." error when trying to add citations in a Word doc saved in my OneDrive folder (the doc otherwise worked fine when saved in other folders).
I have found that it seems to only affect docs with spaces in their filenames, e.g. "Breguetv11" works but "Breguet v11" does not. Renaming afflicted files (i.e. deleting any spaces) makes them work again.
I hope that this works for anybody else who has had this issue.
I reported this using this debug thingy- D1352619682. It'd be nice if it could be fixed, but if it can't then perhaps the workaround added to the "" page?
1. In the Zotero Help menu, go to Debug Output Logging and select Enable.
2. Attempt to insert a Zotero citation in the Word document stored in OneDrive where it breaks
3. Before doing anything else, return to Zotero Help → Debug Output Logging and click Submit Output, which will disable logging and submit the output to A window should pop up containing a Debug ID. Click “Copy to Clipboard” and paste the Debug ID into this forum thread.
I cannot break it now either! I had kept several versions of the document that were not working previously (before I discover the space fix) but I have tried some of these and all are fine now.
Something must have changed on my system - whether that is Word, OneDrive, Zotero or something else altogether I do not know. I notice that my Zotero install is now on version 5.0.87 - the changelog indicates there have been two updates since I posted my message on May 4 (but I cannot see a specific reference to a fix for this
Thanks for the help!
And the problem is not just space in the filename, but also ^[]{}`.
So after some trial and erroring, I think I've identified the culprit: %
In the file's URI that begins Space is encoded as %20
[ as %5b
] as %5d
^ as %5e
` as %60
{ as %7b
} as %7d
^ as %5e means there are also problems with the following symbols (at least) in the filename:
# is converted to ^N
% is converted to ^1
& is converted to ^0
+ is converted to ^M
, is converted to ^J
(^is converted to ^L)
~ is converted to ^F
I had been getting this error constantly. Eliminating the space in the filename today fixed it.