Different Authors Same Last Name Not Displaying Correctly American Antiquity Style


I am using American Antiquity style and the in text citation is not displaying correctly. I cite two authors with the same last name, but different publication dates. I have a Ben Nelson 2006 and a Richard Nelson 1981, 1986. The style guild dictates that the in text citation should be (Nelson 2006; Nelson 1981, 1986). Instead I get (Nelson 2006, 1981, 1986).
  • And the guidelines don’t indicate that any disambiguation should be provided? Such as (B. Nelson 2006; R. Nelson 1981, 1986)
  • Per the style guide, when two authors have the same last name but publish in different years, the in text citation would appear as last name year, last name year, so (Nelson 2006; Nelson 1981, 1986). Variance to that is when two authors with the same last name publish in the same year. In this case, first name initials are added to the in text citation, so (B. Nelson 1986; R. Nelson 1986).
  • @adamsmith I don’t think that’s possible, but probably better to always add initials?
  • Yes, standardized first initials for same last name would work.
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