what collection(s) is/are an item in??
How do I tell what collection(s) an item belongs to - other than by going through all the collections individually and seeing if it is in there? (In particular, I'm trying to figure out if I can delete the "Imported Thursday July 16..." folder Zotero has created, but want to confirm that the items have successfully been placed in the proper collections first.) So, for example, I look at them in the library - look at all associated information- and don't see anything that says "this item is in these collections:xxx" Help! Thanks.
I'm always interested in improving documentation -
any specific suggestions? It shows up in any relevant searches I believe.
It's part of the knowledge base?
Any additional links we should put in?
I don't know how often you use this, but if you use the whole window view of zotero, do you still not see all your collections? (symbol on the top right of the zotero pane)
(And I just checked—it does work without cancelling the highlight.)
Hadn't found the fullscreen button. It works good for now. But I'm undertaking a complex systematic literature review & so building a number of sub-collections and sub-sub... By tomorrow I'll be off the screen....
Collections seems to work better for me than tags, coz i can group them. But I think i'm going to have to cross-reference with tags for the time-being until I've got my system working.... If there's anything i'm missing do let me know... I
As an additional tool for organizing, have you found the "related" tab in the right pane?
If you are putting instructions into the page, I believe the cursor has to be positioned over the collections window rather than over the library window in order for the two-finger scrolling to work....
But yes - it works... Thank you!
It's probably not that important, just wanted to let you know.