Secondary sources, Harvard style

Hi peers and colleagues,

I use Harvard (University of Westminster) style, in text citation. Am planning to cite a few secondary sources, since I am unable to find the original.

Is there any updated way to automate the process? Or should I edit directly using prefix/suffix at the process of generating the citation?

Many thanks in advance
  • Do you mean like "Smith 2000, as cited in Jones 2010"?
    There's no automated way to do that, so you can use prefixes/suffixes as needed, yes. Alternatively if you want to include both references in the bibliography, then you could use a suffix/prefix (or combination) between them in order to create the right formatting. (Note that with some trial and error you can find a way to avoid the default linking punctuation like "," or ";" and instead replace it with your own if you appropriately add it to the suffix/prefix fields.)
  • Many thank djross3
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