rename "My Library"

Hi all - my first post. Thanks to the developers for this great tool!

A simple question, searched the documentation and fora with no joy;

Q: can I rename the virtual folder "My Library"?


  • There's no official way, but you could make the change yourself.

    If you're interested, follow the steps under "A Basic Modification" on the Modifying Zotero Files page. The file you want to edit after unzipping chrome/zotero.jar is locale/en-US/zotero/ Change the pane.collections.library line, zip it back up according to the directions, and you're done.
  • And of course if you're using a locale other than en-US, you'll want to modify that particular locale's pane.collections.library line.
  • Hi Dan Stillman and sean - Thanks for the tip and the link. Successful change....


  • Thank you for these instructions I found them useful as well, changing "My Library" to the less my-crosofty "Library."
  • sorry for asking this 1.5 decades later... but is there really still no way to change the name of the library?
    I am asking because for some LaTeX issues I want the default name of an exported library to be "library.bib", but I ALWAYS have to change it from "my library.bib" to library.bib
    is there really no easy way to do this very simple modification?
  • You can't change the label of My Library in Zotero but I'm pretty sure the Better BibTeX add-on allows you to keep a bibtex file with any filename you want synced from My Library
  • yes, it does but with very big libraries keeping a bib file synced keeps my computer continuously busy and leaves zotero unresponsive for the time, doesn't it? at least that was the case two years ago; haven't tried it since.
  • You can set auto-exports to on-demand, or to activate when Zotero is idle, rather than activate on any change.

    Also, while it won't necessarily be any faster to complete the export, they're now done on a background thread as of a few months ago I think, leaving the Zotero interface mostly unimpeded. Bringing stuff to the background thread still takes time from the foreground thread, but a lot of that is cached, and the actual export doesn't affect Zotero except the general load it will put on the system. A large library that's entirely uncached will probably tax one of your cores quite heavily, but that doesn't hit Zotero specifically. I routinely export a library with 24k items as part of my test suite.
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