Citation Styles


Does anybody knows what citation style is this?


Single Author: Khailov, 1971
Two Authors: Heitkamp and Cerniglia, 1987 (the word '“and” is used instead of &)
Three or More: Unimke et al., 2018 (“et al.” is not italicized and is followed by comma)

(Khailov, 1971; Heitkamp and Cerniglia, 1987; Unimke et al., 2018)
-separated by ; and arranged in chronological order (ascending)


Heitkamp, M.A., Cerniglia, C.E., 1987. Effects of chemical structure and exposure on
the microbial degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in freshwater
and estuarine ecosystems. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 6 (7), 535e546. https://doi.

Khailov, K.M., 1971. Ecological Metabolism in Sea. Naukova dumka, Kiev, p. 252
(Ekologicheskiy metabolizm v more. In Russian).

Unimke, A.A., Mmuoegbulam, O.A., Anika, O.C., 2018. Microbial degradation of pe-
troleum hydrocarbons: realities, challenges and prospects. Biotechnol. J. Int. 22
(2), 1e10.

This is the format used in the Journal Environmental Pollution. However, when I used this citation style in zotero, the intext citations are not chronologically arrange. Please Help!!Thanks
  • We have that style on our repository:

    (If there is mistakes with it let us know and we'll fix it. Please be specific then)
  • edited April 2, 2020
    Thanks for your answer.

    I already checked that repository. However, the in-text citation, using the Environmental Pollution, is NOT chronologically arranged in ASCENDING manner. It is arranged in descending manner. Based on the paper recently published on this Journal, the in-text citations are chronologically arranged from earliest to latest (e.g. Sambrook and Russell, 2001; Hogue, 2001; Musk, 2006; Hisakata et al., 2016).

    -as of now, in text citation in zotero is in Descending order ( 2016, 2006, 2001) whereas in published papers, they are in ascending order (2001, 2006, 2016).

    Please refer to this paper:

    Tolerance of Fucus vesiculosus exposed to diesel water-accommodated fraction (WAF) and degradation of hydrocarbons by the associated bacteria

    I hope for your actions. Thanks :)
  • edited April 2, 2020
    So, this style is automatically generated via our system. the environmental-pollution style is basically just a crosslink to the elsevier-harvard.csl style.

    Elsevier actually is not super strict with the style and states this in their guidelines:
    "Reference formatting:There are no strict requirements on reference formatting at submission. References can be in anystyle or format as long as the style is consistent."

    Elsevier has a few standard citation styles on our repository. They do the typesetting themselves afterwards.

  • OK ok. Thanks for this info :)
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