Zotero extension blocking Jstor

I find that when the Zotero extension is turned on neither Firefox nor Chrome can access jstor.org. When I turn off the extension in the respective browsers, jstor.org loads immediately. Any idea what's going on? Thanks.
  • This would happen if you have an invalid proxy server entry — e.g., a proxy server that you used previously but no longer have access to, or that changed addresses.

    Right-click on the Save to Zotero button and open the Zotero Connector preferences, go to the Advanced tab, and look what you have under Configured Proxies. If there's one that's invalid (which should also list jstor.org in the bottom section after you click on it), delete it.

    Basically, jstor.org is entered as an associated host for one of your configured proxies, so when you go to jstor.org the connector is trying to redirect you through the proxy server using the scheme entered there.
  • Ha. I was *just* about to report that I discovered I had proxies entered from the college where I taught in 2018. I deleted these and it works fine. Thanks for your response and sorry to put you to the trouble.
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