Cannot insert new citations in google docs

Error report Id:1242515928

Zotero was working fine in my google doc until I hit about 90 citations, and now the “Zotero is updating your document” message and blue bar never go away when I try to add more— I’ve left it running for hours and nothing. I tried turning off automatic updating of citations as suggested and that didn’t help at all.

Same problem with both Chrome and Firefox connectors. Both yield Javascript errors (the desktop app does not yield any errors in the error log).

Please help-- I'm trying to finish a grant and this is time-sensitive!

[JavaScript Error: "TypeError: Cannot read property '7' of undefined
at Object.injectScripts (chrome-extension://ekhagklcjbdpajgpjgmbionohlpdbjgc/background.js:328:45)
at chrome-extension://ekhagklcjbdpajgpjgmbionohlpdbjgc/background.js:267:36"]

[JavaScript Error: "Cannot access contents of url "chrome-search://most-visited/single.html?title=Most%20visited&removeTooltip=Don%27t%20show%20on%20this%20page&enableCustomLinks=1&addLink=Add%20shortcut&addLinkTooltip=Add%20shortcut&editLinkTooltip=Edit%20shortcut". Extension manifest must request permission to access this host."]

[JavaScript Error: "No frame with id 22 in tab 12."]

[JavaScript Error: "Error
at chrome-extension://ekhagklcjbdpajgpjgmbionohlpdbjgc/connector.js:228:49" {file: "[object Object]"}]

[JavaScript Error: "Cannot access contents of url "chrome-search://most-visited/single.html?title=Most%20visited&removeTooltip=Don%27t%20show%20on%20this%20page&enableCustomLinks=1&addLink=Add%20shortcut&addLinkTooltip=Add%20shortcut&editLinkTooltip=Edit%20shortcut". Extension manifest must request permission to access this host."]

[JavaScript Error: "No frame with id 64 in tab 12."]
  • Does this happen even if you restart both Zotero and your browser between inserts? Do you get a citation dialog to appear at all, or do you only see the Zotero progress bar? Does it work well in a new document?
  • -Does this happen even if you restart both Zotero and your browser between inserts?
    Yes, I've tried this many times.

    Do you get a citation dialog to appear at all, or do you only see the Zotero progress bar?
    Yes, the dialog appears and I can select citations to insert. The problem happens after that-- they are never inserted, the blue progress bar just stays there forever until I quite Zotero and re-load the page.

    Does it work well in a new document?

    I can add the to a new doc but if I try to do it that way and copy them over, when I go to edit them in the new doc I get "Selected field null not returned from Docs backend"
  • You will have to follow debugging broken documents instructions for the document that is causing you problems. Make sure to create a copy in Google Docs before proceeding.

    Alternatively you can try to use the Google Docs revision history of the document to try and get back to the version where insertion/deletion worked properly.
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