"Style Request: [Comparative Medicine]"

Can you please provide this style, comparative medicine, for aalas.org? I am attaching the link from EndNote for the style
2331-7175 (Print)
2331-7175 (Linking)

Below, the author names should be BOLDED, as should the volume

Artwohl JE, Purcell JE, Fortman JD. 2008. The use of cross-foster
rederivation to eliminate murine norovirus, Helicobacter spp., and murine
hepatitis virus from a mouse colony. J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci 47:19–24

United States Department of Agriculture. [Internet]. 2007. Randomsource dog and cat dealer inspection. Animal care resource guide 8.10.1–
8.10.6. [Cited 21 March 2007]. Available at: www.aphis.usda.gov

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