insérer une ref sans "a" et "b" à côté

Bonjour depuis quelques temps toutes les références de mon (long) document s'affichent avec un petit a et un petit b à côté. par exemple (Jonas 1999a)

Je n'ai pas de doublon et il n'y a pas deux Jonas 1999 dans ma biblio
J'ai essayé de changer le style et de "refresh"
J'ai re-inséré toutes mes références à la main
J'ai à nouveau changé le style et "refresh"

rien n'y fait. Avez-vous une solution ou un style qui fonctionne pour enlever ce "a" ou "b" à côté de mes ref merci
  • Do you have the same problem in a new empty document?

    If not, can you go to an item that has an unexpected a or b? Click on it, then click Add/Edit Citation. Click on the blue bubble for the item, do you see a button for Show in My Library? For either of the two items?
  • Hello,

    I have the same problem here. For the same reference it adds an "a" in my main document and a "b" in a empty one;
    I first did all the citation from a folder, but then I wanted to extract the bibliography. Since there was in that folder some reference that was no longer cited in the text, I used "Reference extractor" and created a new folder. Could that be the problem?
  • @thomasfischbach: If you cite a duplicate, you'll get this problem, yes. See the "Duplicate Items" and/or "Deleted Items" sections here:
  • Perfect! Thanks a lot!
  • Since I don't see any mention of it here, I will note that another cause of duplicate items in a zotero-generated Word bibliography is work on collaborative documents where authors are not citing references from the same shared group library. Having just worked through this in some detail in a lengthy collaborative document, I can say that there is no quick fix. The best solution is to avoid the problem entirely by being sure to use a shared group library for all references, and to be sure that references are being added only from that group.
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