New library layout: Should it show all my libraries? [solved]

edited February 18, 2020

the new library web layout is great - amazing, thanks!

Should it show all my libraries? At the moment, it doesn't. Is there a switch somewhere or something I need to enable for a specific library to be shown?

  • Yes, it should show the personal library and all group libraries you're currently a member of. You might have more group libraries than it's been tested with though.

    It's also possible to have a group library displayed in your client that wouldn't show up on the web library, if you kept it available locally after it was deleted or you left the group.

    Would you mind sharing the name of a group you expect to see that you're not?
  • I've found an issue where some group libraries didn't appear if you had access to a large number of them. That might have been the cause of the problem you were seeing. We will be deploying a fix shortly.
  • Hello both,
    thank you - yes, all fixed now!
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