Far fewer problems with corrupted fields

In earlier versions of Zotero, it was rather annoying when my Microsoft/Thompson-loving colleagues would corrupt the Zotero-fields forcing me to do a cumbersome search of the bad ones and Zotero stopping any cooperation - but apparently this has been improved heavily. My colleagues still sometimes corrupt a field or two, but Zotero now ignores this and I can easily restore it.

Of course, it would be nice if one could have unbreakable fields in Openoffice, but that's already a very nice improvement! :-)

Maybe, by the way, it would be possible to include some kind of highlighting function, asking Zotero for a moment to highlight all citations. That would make it easier to find "lost" fields.
  • I'm confused. Is that not the case in Word? My Ooo Reference Marks are grey and I assumed that, since Word Fields are grey in Endnote they would be in Word. If not that should certainly be the case.
  • dnh
    edited July 9, 2009
    Hello. Of course, you can highlight fields in Openoffice, as a general thing, which has nothing to do with Zotero. But then you have to opt for Microsoft Word fields, and they're not compatible with Openoffice... or would they work in doc-saved files even though I'm using Openoffice?

    Also, Openoffice does not know whether a field link is broken or not, it would highlight all fields...
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