Issue using Zotero zith Libre Office On Windows 10


I'm sorry to bother you but I'm experiencing some trouble using Zotero with Libre Office 6.3.4 on Windows 10.

Simply, I can't use it as when I try to add citation, it tells me that the document was created using the "champ" encoding which is not supported by LO (sorry, LO refused to explain to me in English...) ; even if it's a brand new document just created directly with LO.

Then, I'm asked to open the document preferences and to change it to "Signets" (compatible with LO).
But when I try to open the document preferences, it shows me the same dialog box explaining that "chap" encoding is not supported and asking me to modify to "Signet".

I didn't find a way to change it directly in zotero's preferences.

I tried on Debian and with MSOffice on Win10 and in both case it works smoothly.

I'm a bit distraught here.
Can you help me, please ?
  • I assuming you're referring to this message?
    Zotero ne peut pas mettre à jour ce document car il a été créé par un autre traitement de texte avec un encodage incompatible des champs. Afin de le rendre compatible avec Word et LibreOffice, ouvrez le document avec le traitement de texte avec lequel il a été originellement créé, ouvrez les Préférences du document Zotero et choisissez de le formater en utilisant des Signets.
    If so, this is the original English message:
    Zotero cannot update this document because it was created by a different word processing application with an incompatible field encoding. In order to make a document compatible with both Word and LibreOffice, open the document in the word processor with which it was originally created and switch the field type to Bookmarks in the Zotero Document Preferences.
    What file format are you saving the document as currently? If you're using LibreOffice exclusively, you should be saving as an .odt.
  • HI!
    Yes it's this message exactly.

    As I clumsily tried to explain it occurs even with brand new created documents.

    I tried tu save it in .odt and to use Zotero again, same message appeared...
  • Could you provide the exact steps necessary for you to reproduce this with a new document?

    E.g., are you saying that if you start a completely new document, insert a citation, save as an .odt, close the document, reopen it, and then try to insert another citation, you get this message? Because that would be very odd.
  • HI!

    If I start a new document I can't even add a single citation, I get this message right here.
    It is not fixed by saving the document in .odt

    I obviously tried to uninstall and reinstall zotero, LO and JRE several times...
  • Is this a standard version of LibreOffice? Could you save an empty .odt file in which you cannot insert citations with Zotero and send it to with a link to this thread?
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