Correct method for downloading PDFs created by website

Apologies if this has already been answered, but I"m brand new to Zotero and searched the forum but haven't found an answer.

I'm wondering if there is an easier way to download PDF files from my browser. I'm doing genealogical research and many of my sources are online microfilm documents. Once I locate a particular page within a microfilm roll I wish to add to Zotero, I click the browser plugin to create an item in Zotero, along with a snapshot. I can then download the doc as a PDF, but it goes to my Downloads folder (as specified in my browser settings) and then I have to go find the file there and drag it over to the previously created item, or use the Add Attachment feature from the item (either way I'm going back to Downloads to find my file).

Is this the only way to accomplish this or is there a better way to eliminate some of these extra steps?
  • The ZotFile plugin provides a way to attach the most recently downloaded file in a configured folder to the selected item in Zotero.
  • I did see that info and followed the setup instructions but nothing happens. Is it supposed to just automatically attach the newest file from the designated folder or do I need to do anything else to enable or trigger it?
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