Style for Archaeopress, collection RLAMP

I must send a paper for a congres with this style (see below). It should be send to Archaeopress by the editor. Do you know an existing journal with a similar style. There's italic only for the title of edited book, book, and the name of the journal.

Journal article: Cruise, G.M. (1990): Pollen stratigraphy of two Holocene peat sites. Review of Paleobotany and Palynology 63: 299-313.

Book: Lamb, H.H. and L. Tessier (1987): Weather, Climate and Human Affairs. London.
Edited book: Bintliff, J.L. (ed.) (2015): Recent Developments in the Archaeology of Greece (Pharos Supplement). Leuven.

Section in book: Bintliff, J.L. (2010): The Annales, events, and the fate of cities, in D.J. Bolender (ed.) Eventful Archaeologies: New Approaches to Social Transformation in the Archaeological Record: 117–131. Albany (NY).

Section in book with multiple editors: Frayer, D.W. (1997): Ofnet: evidence for a Mesolithic massacre, in D.L. Martin and D.W. Frayer (eds) Troubled Times: Violence and Warfare in the Past: 181‐216. Amsterdam.

Section in book if editor unknown: Serre, F., J. Guiot and L. Tessier (1992a): La dendroclimatologie: pour une historie du climat, in Les veines du temps. Catalogue d’exposition: 93–119. Paris.

Website: Department of Parks and Wildlife, 2001, Department of Parks and Wildlife, Camberra, Shipwreck inspection, viewed 10 August 2012, .

Thanks for your help !
  • hello amgilles,
    I am interested to know if you finally found something convenient (must submit a paper to archaeopress too). because I don't see that a specific style has been developed, or maybe I am wrong ?
    thanks for your help
  • Dear @margueriteronin
    So you see this style was requested and then I sent @amgilles a guide to follow in order to successfully submit a style-creation request.
    If you look you will realise that the guide was never followed. So without that, we (the volunteers doing this) will not do it.
  • Hello the editor (Archaeopress) said that it was based on Antiquity, so I haven't compared if it's precisely this one or if there's some changes. I have not verified yet.

    Here are the information I had to write the manuscript :

    References directly in text are preferably (Harvard system). Where an author has several publications from the same year, distinguish them as a, b etc (eg. 1998a, 1998b). Do not use ‘ibid’.
    Please ensure that all references are complete. Use a colon between volume and page numbers. Do not use bold for volume numbers. For all citations and bibliographic references, spell out ‘and’ between multiple authors and editors, do not use ‘&’.
    Use full stops after initials in authors’ names. Thus for example, use M.S.F. Hood and not MSF Hood.

    Note that for an international audience all journal and series titles must be written out in full, e.g., ‘International Journal of Osteoarchaeology’, not ‘Int. J Osteo.’, and ‘British Archaeological Reports’, not ‘BAR’.

    Unpublished PhD dissertation: No italics because the work is unpublished; not thesis but dissertation.

    Journal article: Cruise, G.M. (1990): Pollen stratigraphy of two Holocene peat sites. Review of Paleobotany and Palynology 63: 299-313.

    Book: Lamb, H.H. and L. Tessier (1987): Weather, Climate and Human Affairs. London.

    Edited book: Bintliff, J.L. (ed.) (2015): Recent Developments in the Archaeology of Greece (Pharos Supplement). Leuven.

    Section in book: Bintliff, J.L. (2010): The Annales, events, and the fate of cities, in D.J. Bolender (ed.) Eventful Archaeologies: New Approaches to Social Transformation in the Archaeological Record: 117–131. Albany (NY).

    Section in book with multiple editors: Frayer, D.W. (1997): Ofnet: evidence for a Mesolithic massacre, in D.L. Martin and D.W. Frayer (eds) Troubled Times: Violence and Warfare in the Past: 181‐216. Amsterdam.

    Section in book if editor unknown: Serre, F., J. Guiot and L. Tessier (1992a): La dendroclimatologie: pour une historie du climat, in Les veines du temps. Catalogue d’exposition: 93–119. Paris.

    Website: Department of Parks and Wildlife, 2001, Department of Parks and Wildlife, Camberra, Shipwreck inspection, viewed 10 August 2012, .
  • While we do have a style for Antiquity ( that looks rather different.

    The requesting styles guidelines ask for two very specific formatted citations (Mares and Campbell and Peterson). We need exactly those two formatted for the requested style, together with the other information (ISSNs, open access paper, link to author guidelines) requested on
  • dear @damnation,

    I understand. not sure I have time to do it soon, but keep it in mind. thanks a lot for your answer anyway.
    all best
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