Author nicknames for in-text citations

Is there a way to assign an (institutional) author a nickname or shortened version of a name for use in in-text citations? For example, I'm citing a lot of documents by government agencies. I would like the full name of the agency to appear in the bibliography (e.g. Oregon Department of Environmental Quality) but a shortened version (e.g. Oregon DEQ) to appear in parenthetical in-text citations. I found some forums discussing ways to do that for journal titles, but I didn't find how to do this for authors.
  • No, that's not possible. There's no great solution and it'd definitely be nice to have -- what I do is to make sure the full name is listed as a publisher/Institution so the reference as a whole is clear.
  • That's usually what I do, as well. Enter the short name as the Author and the full name as Publisher/Institution.
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