Removal of URL scheme whitelist in 5.0.81

With the latest beta my URLs from Zotero to DevonThink have become defunct ( (x-devonthink-item://...). The links in my notes are dead, the URI-link in the center pane fails silently.
I rely heavily on linking Zotero entries from "attach link to URI" and from pasting links into Zotero's note field to connect to stuff outside of Zotero and I have made many such links after this became possible sometime in 2014. Will this function be restored? Thanks for considering.
Thankfully, links to Apple's mail client are still working, both from links in the note pane and from the attached URI links; the same holds true for links to the Note Program nvALT (nvalt://..)
  • This isn't actually about 5.0.81, which should work properly. The beta was just a few commits behind the production release and didn't include a fix for URL schemes containing hyphens. An updated beta is building now and should be out in a few minutes.
  • Great to know. Downloaded the latest beta and indeed the functionality is back. Much appreciate being able to do this. Thanks for the speedy response and update.
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