International treaties


Is there a good place to download Zotero references to major international human rights treaties? How do I work with international treaties generally? I am using the AGLC style which is specific to Australian lawyers.

  • If you are doing legal research, I would recommend switching to Juris-M, a third-party version of Zotero with much expanded legal support, including I believe a treaty item type.

    I don’t know of a source for standardized treaty data, but maybe @fbennett might.
  • I always refer our students to UNTS. We don't have a translator for it, but it's a solid source for most official texts. (Not sure how much work it would be to set up a translator for it.)
  • I've created a ticket for UNTS -- it's not something that could be done in 10mins, but since we don't have anything comparable, would likely be worth it.
  • Hi all,
    Is there any update with this?
    Also @kwaterford, what have you found is the best method to use Zotero for AGLC for international treaties? I've settled on 'manuscript' for item type, with the date details in the "type" field, but it feels a little awkward...
  • The best way to enter treaties currently is to add `Type: treaty` to Extra. That will format treaties correctly in styles that support them.
  • Hi,
    I know the question has been asked in the past (, but is there any update regarding adding the Treaty item to Zotero? Is it worth opening a github issue on this? 
  • No update but also no need for a github issue -- there have been no updates to fields at all since the beginning of this thread and treaty is definitely on the radar of developers.
  • What does everyone else do for treaties? This is a real problem for me. Statute is close, but it does not have a place/location or depositary.
  • A treaty item will be added in a future version. For now, you can cite treaties by adding ‘Type: treaty’ to the top of Extra (note that treaty needs to be lowercase). Other fields can also be added to extra as needed. See the section at the bottom of this page:
  • edited October 21, 2020
    Thank you for the advice. It's nice to know that it is being added.

    I'm not sure what the 'Type: treaty' does to the record (I added it anyway), but being able to add other fields is helpful.

    Note: I used the 'Event Place' per the guide, and when I refreshed Zotero the treaty location was not included in the citation. However, when I used 'Place' it worked.

    Edit: the weird symbol included in statutes was removed, so I'm guessing the 'treaty' type reformatted things. The item types are similar.
  • That tells the citation processor to treat the item as a treaty, rather than whatever type you have it as in Zotero. For styles written to include special formatting for treaties (e.g., APA), the item will be cited accordingly.

    What exactly did you enter in Extra for event place?
  • edited October 21, 2020
    That makes sense.

    For event place, I entered:
    Event Place: Yaoundé, Cameroon

    That didn't work, but it did work when I typed:
    Place: Yaoundé, Cameroon
  • What style are you using? “Place” is mapped to both Event Place and Publisher Place (for historical technical reasons). It’s possible that the citation style you are using is expecting treaties to have a publisher place, not an event place.
  • Chicago 17 :-)
  • Sorry to ask what may be a silly question - and maybe something has happened since 2020 that makes this moot, but where is the "Extra" field that people are writing about here? I too am trying to add treaties, and am stymied...
  • Both in the Web Library and the Zotero Desktop app, on the right in the Info tab for an item, there is a field called Extra at the bottom of it.
  • Would there be an 'Extra:' type for Memorandum of Understanding? "Extra: mou", perhaps? I'm trying to follow AGLC4 Rule 8.6.
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