Sort by creators is changed...
I updated Zoetro into 5.0.78.
When sorting by creators in Creator column,
- in the past, English names come after Korean names e.g. 가나다, 가다라, Adam, Adler...
- now, Korean names come after English names e.g. Adm, Adler, 가나다, 가다라...
Is there any way to make Korean names come before English names?
I always use English for interface language.
When sorting by creators in Creator column,
- in the past, English names come after Korean names e.g. 가나다, 가다라, Adam, Adler...
- now, Korean names come after English names e.g. Adm, Adler, 가나다, 가다라...
Is there any way to make Korean names come before English names?
I always use English for interface language.
With the Korean locale, the Korean characters will sort first.
However, until now I have used English locale with Korean characters first.
(I have used Zotero since 2011.)
Is there any way to sort Korean first with English locale?
For example by changing hidden preference.