Converting WoS results to XML using Zotero before upload them to Covidence: Does this work?

Dear all

I made a search on Web of Science that I want to screen using Covidence. I don't have Endnote so I cannot do it directly. However, I exported the WoS results to Covidence by converting them to Endnote XML using Zotero, and the notes were uploaded successfully.

However, Covidence customer support asks me that I have to make sure that Zotero has the appropriate "filters". I really don't what is the function of those filters?

Has anyone else had the same issue? Or do you know another walk around?


  • edited December 5, 2019
    [Moved from an related thread — D.S.]

    I have a question for kj30 and sorry for posting here but people are a bit unresponsive in the general forum. I am also starting with Zotero and Covidence, but I am a bit insecure whether something would work.

    The results from a large search in Web of Science were uploaded in Zotero before exporting them as EndNote XML into Covidence for screening. I had no warnings nor errors in Covidence after uploading; thus I assume everything is fine. Has anyone done with no problems?

    My doubts started when Covidence customer service tells to be sure that I have to have some "filters"; I have no idea what they are talking about.

    Do I need to install a Endnote filter in Zotero despite I can export files from Zotero as Endnote XML?

    Please help!
  • (better to follow up in your original thread if you don't receive a reply -- though it's just been 24hs) -- but generally it's hard to help if we don't even know if there is a problem. We can't know what Covidence support means. "Filters" is Endnote's term for what Zotero calls Translators and you can't install Endnote Filters in Zotero.

    I don't think there's an alternative to testing yourself whether import worked fine. E.g. I assume you can count the number of items imported.
  • Thank you Adam! Yes in Covidence I can see the whole total of articles to be screened. I skimmed through several Covidence pages (100 papers per page) and I saw no serious issues. I guess I am fine
  • (I've moved these posts back to this thread.)
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