is it possible to login into Zotero with an ORCID open ID ?

It seems that ORCID implements the authentification method called "open ID" :

I've tried to use my own ORCID open ID to login into Zotero but it fails with this message :
Invalid Open Id

So I'm wondering if it is possible or not.

Thanks for your insights
  • No, we implemented an older version of OpenID which will be phased out.
  • Any plans to update the version of OpenID or integrate ORCID iDs differently?
  • Ok I understand.
    I'm a fan of both intiatives : Zotero and ORCID. Each of them are really great to build services for open science.
    That's why I've tried it for a new fellow in my lab.
    Thanks for your response @fcheslack
    And same question as @zuphilip ;)

  • It would be great if login with ORCiD was added!
    Once implemented, users can also login to their Zotero with their university or other institution account through ORCiD.

    As I understand it the new version of OpenID requires the setup of each login service specifically, in contrast to the old OpenID, where any provider could be used to login by pasting in a url.
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