PDF file is not being downloaded (e.g., Emerald database)
For example, here: https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/EBR-12-2013-0145/full/html
I usually click Zotero Chrome button to save articles in Zotero. In Emerald database, I am not sure why but only meta data follows, not PDF file. I need to download manually and attached to the Zotero by myself.
Please help!
Thank you!!
I usually click Zotero Chrome button to save articles in Zotero. In Emerald database, I am not sure why but only meta data follows, not PDF file. I need to download manually and attached to the Zotero by myself.
Please help!
Thank you!!
"Save to Zotero (Embedded Metadata) Has access to this site"