Zotero Bibliography Active URLS in LibreOffice

edited October 30, 2019
Although URL recognition is enabled in LibreOffice, inserting a Zotero bibliography does not produce active URLs. Selecting LibreOffice Document Default style does not fix the issue, only manually adding a space fixes the issue.
  • After you finish writing, save a copy of the document and then Unlink Citations to convert the Zotero bibliography to regular text. Then, select the bibliography and run the LibreOffice autoformat function to convert all the URLs to live links.
  • edited May 25, 2021
    Thanks, the above directions had no change - did not convert the URL text to live links.
    However, this workflow provided some results:
    1. select text in bibliography
    2. choose Default Paragraph Style
    3. Tools > Autocorrect > Apply
    4. reapply bibliography style

    Would be nice if URL recognition was automatic, perhaps there is a macro or a way to connect Bibliography style with automatic URL update?

    PS. Issue occurs with final live linked bibliography where references are bunched together in one paragraph, even though the initial bibliography (non-linked version) had paragraph end after each reference.
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