Group-Bibliography with restricted access on personal attached Notes
Is there a possib8ility to hide personal attached notes while working in a group library? The notes section is very useful, because of the built-in search engine which is why I would hate to miss it.
I envisage that a link could be made between any Zotero note and a CherryTree note/node.
This theory can be tested, using CherryTree command line.
That is, binding a Zotero note to a CherryTree node.
Moreover each node can have sub-nodes to any depth.
There is an extensive search capability in CherryTree.
On the matter of privacy CherryTree uses password access. But I do not use that since the XML format offers more flexibility for parsing. Indeed it is possible that a cherrytree translator might be written just as was done recently for Endnote/Bookends.