Zoterobib not working?

I have had difficulty connecting to Zoterobib over the last day. Is there a problem with Zoterobib, I was hoping to demo it for a class today but may have to cut that from my talk.
  • edited October 23, 2019
    It seems to work fine from here, so we would need some more info to try to figure out what's going on.

    What do you see when going to https://zbib.org/? Is it a blank screen, a spinner or browser error? What browser are you using?
  • I am just seeing a spinner when I go to zbib.org. I was using Firefox and hadn't tried a different browser. It does work on my Chrome browser.
  • Can you see any errors on console? You can open console by pressing "cmd+shift+c" on mac or "ctrl+shift+c" on windows.
  • It is giving an error message.

    Content Security Policy: The page’s settings blocked the loading of a resource at inline (“script-src”). 2 zbib.org:1:1
    Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at https://www.zotero.org/styles/modern-language-association. (Reason: CORS request did not succeed).
    undefined pageModifier.js:585:17
    Use of Mutation Events is deprecated. Use MutationObserver instead. pageModifier.js:81:24
    Error: Failed to load style main.js:1:722613

  • I suspect this is something unusual going on in your browser. What version of Firefox are you using?

    Could you please open console, select "Network" and reload the page. Then find an entry in the list where value for column "File" is "modern-language-association". This should open a new pane showing request and response headers, could you please copy or screenshot that pane showing Request and Response headers and post a link here?
  • I am running Firefox 69.03 64 bit

    I looked at the Network tab and didn't find an entry for modern-language-association. I did look at my privacy add ons and it looks like privacy badger was blocking zbib from loading. It appeared that hello.myfonts.net was causing the problem as I'd cleared zotero.org from the blocker.

    I hope this helps.
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