Is there any way to know any of the items in the 'completed' folder don't belong to the subfolders?


I have one whole library of articles for apples so I have the following subfolders for this mother folder:

- completed
- newly-added

In the subfolder, I have the following subfolders:

- news about apples
- research/ journal articles about apples
- legal cases about apples
- legislation about apples

My question is:

Is there any way that we can sort the items in the that don't belong to any of the subfolders without going on each item one by one?

Thank you so much.
  • You should be able to do this with advanced search -- create an "ANY" saved search for the subfolders and then do an Advanced "ALL" search for that saved search (listed under collection) and the parent folder.

    Haven't tested this, though.
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