translator request


Just discovered a meta-search engine for papers, it's pretty good... except that there's no Zotero translator for this site :(

Can anybody make one?
  • Whow, that's a great search engine!
    And they say they are non-profit, as I read here:

    What could one do to help make a translator available as being a non-programmer?


  • edited September 15, 2019
    Scinapse is a free service that is presented without advertising. The search engine has some limitations but the database approaches comprehensive inclusion of the last decade of literature (journal articles, technical reports, conference proceedings, theses, books, etc.). Coverage of earlier material is quite good.

    Scinapse offers both BibTeX and RIS exports. However, although the characters in titles and author names display accented or "decorated" characters properly using UTF-8 encoding, the decorated characters in the exports are replaced with question marks. (I have requested that they correct this problem.) The bibliographic exports include only essential metadata and excludes abstracts.
  • So is there a translator for this now? I just discovered it, and am certainly impressed by certain aspects of it.
  • No. I've created a ticket for tracking though. Certainly seems worthwhile.
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