Filemaker Pro to Zotero?

  • Does the Python script do more than convert the current header to the RIS header?

    Does Python yield a file that is .ris?
  • RIS expects the headers to be in the first column -- it's probably possible to do in Excel (and you'd export to plain text in that case), but I certainly couldn't do it in excel.
  • The python script would yield a .ris file, yes. How much conversion needs to be done depends on what's in the input files -- we could speculate about what it would do, but if I have an input file with separate fields, I can just tell you.
  • I'm saying RIS only because it seems to me you don't have very complex data RIS is one of the simpler Zotero import formats to generate.
  • I think I get it...
    I believe the next step would be to get the individual source data fields into the same dataset as the notes, date created, and tags fields. Then export as xlsx. Then Python can translate that dataset into a .ris format file for import to Zotero. What am I missing here? Thank you!
  • edited October 6, 2019
    That would be it by and large. If it's easier for you to have them exported from FMPro as separate files that's fine, python can pull those together, but if it's in one, that's convenient.
  • It may take me a week or more to get this next step completed. As I go, I will post a sample dataset here to see if I am on the right track. Thank you!!!!
  • If I may jump in at this point: I am the developer of Litlink, a literature storage system written in FileMaker. You do not need python or any other third party tools to achieve this, all it takes is a formula in FileMaker that generates a text for each record in RIS format.
    In it's easiest form it would look like

    "TY - " & datatype & "¶" &
    "AU - " & author & "¶" &
    "T1 - " & Title &

    and so forth. Depending on how your data is structured, how good your data types match with the standard etc. this can become pretty complex, but in the end it is just a text to produce based on your data and the RIS specification.
    For starters I would export some records from Zotero to RIS so you see what goes where, then in Filemaker you use the data viewer to create your formula. Just copy the output and use Zoteros "import from clipboard" to test.
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