Bibliogrfy wrong 1st AUTHOR+ET AL

I have been working with zotero for a few months, and for 2 weeks it has been giving an error in the formatting of bibliographies. Instead of appearing the names of all authors of the work, only the first author appears, followed by et al.
Example: ARRUDA, P. H. Z. D. et al. Large net CO2 loss from a grass-dominated tropical savanna in south-central Brazil in response to seasonal and interannual drought. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, v. 121, no. 8, p. 2110–2124, 2016.

I have already set preferences for ABNT several times and now, I have installed and installed, configured again, but the error continues ... for any article that I do bibliography by zotero.

Has anyone ever experienced this? It seems to me that the error is for ABNT style only.
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