Validation emails not arriving. Deleted account, created new one but want to use the old username


I wanted to create a shared account for a couple of colleagues, to use as the group owner for our shared group so the group's storage wouldn't count against our own 300 MB quotas (we intend to use Zotero Storage for the shared account). I read this was the recommended approach for shared groups in the Documentation.

When I created the account, `ctmr`, I used an email in the form `firstname.lastname+zotero@domain.tld`, in order to use a separate email address from my own account. However, after waiting for a while no email came, I was thinking it's probably because our institution domain doesn't support adding a + to the email adress, like I thought it would (like gmail does).

Then I tried adding a second email address to the account (to a shared group email address), but the verification email never came there either. Then I figured I could perhaps just delete the account and start over with a proper email address.

Do you ever release the old usernames so I can change the username of this new account (ki_ctmr) over to the old one (ctmr), or is the old user name locked forever? Also, I never seem to have gotten any verification emails for any of the email addresses I added to this new account either. How long delays can one expect for the validation emails?

  • Email with a link to this thread and they should be able to help you out.
  • While email often arrives almost instantly, there are many reasons it can be delayed before reaching your inbox (or potentially not reach your inbox at all, most often because of filtering on the receiving end). We send validation emails immediately upon registering or adding a new email address and they most often arrive within a few minutes.

    If you can't receive these for some reason, you would want to do the normal checks that it wasn't sent to spam or blocked by your institution if they provide some other mechanism for that. If you can't find them at all, you can email with details of the problem.

    We don't currently allow users to reclaim usernames from accounts that have been deleted unless they changed their username before deleting the account. Now that we have a mechanism in place for changing usernames we may allow that in the future.
  • Thanks for your replies. The validation emails never arrived to any of the destinations I entered, so I finally used my personal email instead. Then the email arrived instantly!

    I'll keep my eyes open for an opportunity to reclaim the username of the very short-lived account I created, and we'll just stick with ki_ctmr until it's possible, if ever.

  • I got one verification email to my email address. When I clicked the verification link, it said SUCCESS on ZOTERO site. But then, when I am trying to create new GROUP: It shows this message :

    "Please validate your email address before creating groups."

    Why does this message show up, though I validated.
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