ProQuest Multi-Item Selector Not Working
After running a search in a ProQuest platform database, e.g., ERIC, where there are multiple results, clicking the Zotero folder icon toward the top of the screen pops up a window that displays a list of checkboxes on the left but does NOT display any of the item titles. Windows 10, Google Chrome.
@dstillman pushed a fix for ProQuest about a week ago that seems to have worked for some but not for me as ProQuest is implemented at my university. [Would it be helpful for me to attach webpage html for ProQuest results to a message to support@zotero?]
edit: Individual items are captured by Zotero for most ProQuest databases (with key metadata items missing) but when I use the Zotero folder icon to capture multiple items I get Zotero tick boxes without titles. When I select multiple items on the ProQuest site and go to the ProQuest cite page, Zotero doesn't recognize that there is any available metadata for those items. When I export the metadata, the only Zotero-readable format available is BiBTeX. However, the file is empty of metadata. You can view the BiBTex file and copy it to your clipboard but the metadata doesn't contain article DOIs, journal ISSNs, and sometimes/inconsistently the author first-names and last-names are reversed (firstname,lastname instead of lastname,firstname).