Adding additional items to in-text citation


I need to reference interviews and informal conversations differently but do not know how to add text beyond (Author, Year) to in-text citations in Zotero (apart from manually adding pre/suffixes). Is it possible to add Interview or Conversation and Month - so (Dickson, Interview, May 2018; Smith, Conversation, June 2019)? And how would you add location of interview (if necessary) - so (Dickson, Interview, London, May 2018)?

Many thanks!
  • Why not add them as prefixes or suffixes? Most styles aren't going to be designed to handle these exceptions anyway, so there's no benefit to avoiding writing it out like that.

    But you can add some information other than page by clicking on the reference in the Zotero popup window, then clicking on "Page" to get a variety of other options like Chapter or Verse, although not exactly what you've described.

    The other option is to create your own style that would handle these item types differently, or of course to browse through the many available styles in case one already has what you want. If you're using a standard style or even one for a specific journal, this may already be available. If this is your personal preference, then you can try to make your own.
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