Can't download Zotero on Windows 10S

Windows 10S won't allow me to download applications that are not in the windows store. Has anyone been able to find a way around this? Can we try to gain the developper's attention so that it can be downloaded from the Windows store please?
  • We don't have any current plans to distribute Zotero in the Microsoft Store.

    I don't know what would be involved, and if it's easy on a technical level it's something we could consider in the future, but it's not something we're likely to do anytime soon. (Same for the Mac App Store.)
  • Some IT departments only allow employees to install software from the Microsoft Store. So it would be really helpful for Zotero to be on the Microsoft Store.

    The technical requirements seem much looser than on the Mac App Store:
  • I'm in the same boat: my university computer will only permit apps from the Microsoft store. I hate to leave Zotero, after a decade, but I don't see any choice. Yes, I can override the IT department's restriction on my computer, but this is not really the hill I want to die on--should something go wrong.
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