sublibrary disappeared

A sublibrary in my Group Library (actually 3 or 4 degrees of "sub") that have have opened daily for the last several weeks now does not appear in my Group Library tree. Where can I look for it? Suggestions most appreciated.
  • edited August 6, 2019
    A collection, you mean?

    For the group library that you're a member of, no collections have been deleted since March, so I'd guess that it was just moved somewhere else in the library tree (unless you deleted it locally and haven't yet synced). You can click a collection and press + on the keyboard to expand all collections and look for it.
  • I appreciate your prompt reply. Yes, I meant subcollection. Am I correct in understanding that even if I deleted a collection the items in it would not be deleted and would remain in the general/parent collection of my Group Library? If I click on a specific item in that inclusive list, how can I tell what subcollection it belongs to? Maybe that way I can track the missing subcollection. Thanks again.
  • Am I correct in understanding that even if I deleted a collection the items in it would not be deleted and would remain in the general/parent collection of my Group Library?
    The items would remain in the library root, yes.
    If I click on a specific item in that inclusive list, how can I tell what subcollection it belongs to?
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