How to stop repeat citations being shortened

I need to maintain the full citation for primary sources (e.g. Document, Report) for each time it is cited in my work, rather than a shortened version. How can I bespoke my citation style (based on MHRA) to ensure this? Is it something related to conditional rendering? The citation style was made for me by a friend so I'm not fluent in zotero coding but if someone can point me in the right direction I'll give it a go...

  • Can you post your current style code to and paste a link here?
  • Replace the entire <citation> with this:

    <citation et-al-min="4" et-al-use-first="1" disambiguate-add-names="true" disambiguate-add-givenname="true">
    <layout suffix="." delimiter="; ">
    <group delimiter=", ">
    <text macro="contributors-note"/>
    <text macro="title-note"/>
    <text macro="secondary-contributors-note"/>
    <text macro="container-title-note"/>
    <text macro="container-contributors-note"/>
    <text macro="collection-title"/>
    <text macro="locators-note"/>
    <text macro="issue-note"/>
    <text macro="locators-specific-note" prefix=", "/>
    <text macro="locators-newspaper" prefix=", "/>
    <text macro="point-locators"/>
    <text macro="access-note"/>
  • That's amazing, has worked a treat, thanks! Will save me a load of time...

    Is there a way of making it only applicable to reports/documents/newspapers and maintaining the shortening on books (i.e. secondary sources)? It's much easier editing down secondary sources afterwards than having to match all the information and adding to the incomplete primary sources but would be even better if it did that automatically.
  • In that case, keep both the original stuff inside “layout” and the cut down version I posted. Start your “layout” with a choose—if type="report article-newspaper" (include all of the types that are primary sources). Under that, include the cut down layout. Then, add an “else” node and include the original layout.

    Are all of your primary sources included in archives? If so, a more robust “if” would be to test for:
    if variable="archive"

    Let me know if that wasn’t clear.
  • Does this look right?

    do i need to add an ?
  • I've tried it and it's not a valid code, I guess I've done something wrong... have tried to make edits but still no avail...
  • On a quick look, here are some things that need fixing:

    1. Insert another </choose> closing tag immediately above the final </layout> at line 51.

    2. Remove line 24.

    3. Remove lines 21 and 22.

    4. Remove line 19.

    That should give you a nested structure (an opening tag starts a new level of nesting, and opening/closing tags must match at the same nesting level -- if you indent the code to show nesting levels, you can easily see where things go off the rails).

    There may be other issues with the code (I haven't run it), but those changes should get you closer.
  • Have made those edits but it's still saying it's not a valid code, probably I did something wrong
  • Again on a quick glance, the tags at the end of the citation layout are not nested properly.

    A validator will give you this feedback automatically. For information on that and other details, this is a good reference:
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