web-based platform vs computer-based client

Looking for a graph or table that makes it clear what a user can do in the web-based platform vs computer-based client.

For example:
1) can only add a person to a Group in web-based
2) can only see who has created a record in web-based
3) One-click record adding is only in web-based
4) related fields are only in computer-based
5) can only see which collection an record is in using computer-based
6) setting up back-ups can only be done through computer-based
7) custom Tag creation only in computer-based
  • For real work, you should use the desktop client — it's really as simple as that.

    A new version of the web library is coming soon that will improve the UI and add some additional features, but it's still not intended as a replacement for the desktop client. Using "Zotero" means using the desktop client.

    Group management takes place on the website, but that's a separate thing.
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