Missing citation elements

I'm a new Zotero user and I'm trying to cite a book section. My citation style is APA 6th edition and publisher/place is needed. I've tried different csl files but when i cite in word these features are omitted. How can I do? I'm trying to modify the csl file but is difficult for me
  • edited July 26, 2019
    APA style says to only include one “where” piece of information (DOI, URL, or publisher/place; with that order of priority). See the examples here for details https://blog.apastyle.org/apastyle/2011/02/books-and-book-chapters-what-to-cite.html

    The Zotero Style implements this part of APA style correctly. I recommend you not change anything.
  • Since when does the Zotero APA Style implement this? I also just now thought that publisher/place information is missing.
  • Yes, you are correct, APA 6 only uses one “where” element—DOI, URL, or Place: Publisher in that order. That has been the case ever since the first printing of the 6th edition manual. The 2012 APA Guide to Electronic References clarified the order of preference.

    Zotero implements correct APA style correctly here. This happened as part of the overhaul of APA style I wrote earlier this year. Previously, the style included both publisher/place and DOI or URL, which is not correct APA style as described at the above. There are no “missing elements” in the current style. When a DOI is present, the physical location and publisher should not included.
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