Export selected items into an existing *.bib file?

Hi, everyone

I am looking for a simple way to export some items in my library into an existing *.bib file, i.e., add new items in an existing *.bib file. Tried to right click the selected items and export them, but the source *.bib file was overwritten.

All suggestions welcome. Thanks.

  • If you install the BetterBibTeX plugin, it has a function to keep a bib file updated (e.g., with all of the items belonging to a collection).

    For your current situation, I think the best approach is to export a new bib file with a different name, then add that (manually or using the command line) to the end of the existing bib file.
  • Thanks @bwiernik very much. I have installed the BetterBiBTeX plugin. It seems that we can only manually add itmes to the end of the existing bib file.
  • In case that wasn't clear from bwiernik's post: There is no way to add items to the end of an existing .bib file from Zotero, with or without add-on, though obviously export and cat (or cut&paste) isn't all that complicated.

    Was BBT allows you to do is to automatically update an existing .bib files as you add items to a collection, achieving something similar and, arguably, more convenient in the long run.
  • Thanks @adamsmith very much.
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