problems getting superscript citations to work

Hi all,
I'm new to Zotero and am trying to cite using superscript numbers that correlate to a numbered bibliography. The specific style doesn't really matter. However, I have been unable to get any of the superscript styles to work. I've tried the preloaded vancouver(superscript) and cell journal(numerical, superscript), as well as editing the csl myself. I am doing all of this within the preferences and then trying to add citations in google docs. Any ideas on where I may be going wrong?
Thanks so much!
  • You'd have to specify "unable to get to work" -- what exactly is happening when you try? (But if I had to guess from your post, you're selecting the citation style in the wrong place: It's "Document Preferences" for Zotero in the google doc, not in the Zotero preferences)
  • Oh that worked, thank you so much!
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