problem parsing ADS records with utf-8 characters

Hi there, I'm project manager for the Astrophysics Data System and I just learned from our users that zotero incorrectly parses ADS records containing utf-8 characters. For instance, consider this record:

The page is utf-8 encoded and shows up fine in the web browser. Once you add it to your library you will see that the author's first name is displayed incorrecly due to the accented characters. This is with zotero 1.0.10 / firefox 3.0.8 / fedora core 8.

Can somebody in the know look into this and let me know whether it's an application bug or if there is something to be done on our end?

-- Alberto
  • It's a bug on your end. You're serving RIS files as UTF-8 ("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8") when they're really ISO-8859-1 or Windows-1252.

    For example, here's the RIS file for that record:

    Related discussions:
  • Gee, I wish I had known of this problem. I have now fixed the issue on our side. In the future please don't hesitate to contact me if other problems come up about ADS and zotero.

    Thanks for your prompt reply.
    -- Alberto
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