Anormal delay in insertion
I am using Zotero 5.0.66
on Macbook Pro /Mojave 10.14.4
I use Zotero connector in Word 16.24
I want to insert citations and create Bibliography on a fairly large corpus (phd)
Insertion alternatvly woks (take a long time) or fail and send a debug message.
In the text, the{Citation} is still present... I have to delete.
Thanks for your help
I am using Zotero 5.0.66
on Macbook Pro /Mojave 10.14.4
I use Zotero connector in Word 16.24
I want to insert citations and create Bibliography on a fairly large corpus (phd)
Insertion alternatvly woks (take a long time) or fail and send a debug message.
In the text, the{Citation} is still present... I have to delete.
Thanks for your help
Is there a way to get a confirmation message once the refresh process is complete or show some sort of progress bar? There have been times where I have unexpectedly caused errors to occur as I thought the process was done and started writing and then Zotero gave an error message saying that the code Zotero uses to maintain the citations was changed...
The “citation changed” message isn’t an error, and it doesn’t have anything to do with editing while Zotero is updating (though waiting for it to finish isn’t a bad idea). That message indicates that you have manually exited a Zotero Citation field.
Is the Zotero plugin for Word written in VBA or another language? (my assumption is from noticing that VBA preceded undo steps listed in the undo button after running the refresh.
While the progress bar is developed an interim step if its VBA a simple line such as
msgbox "Refresh Completed", vbinformation or vbOKOnly, "Zotero"
could be added to the code just at the end of the Sub that runs the refresh process.