Can't add citation for bit larger documents

I'm using Zotero 5.0.66 on mac Os Mojave 10.14.1. Currently I'm working on my thesis document which is MsWord and sized about 54mb. I really can't add new citations now. When I'm going to add a new citation, after select a title of the paper, it'll show the progress bar for long time and then it get disappeared. Citation doesn't added. Please help me this is really irritating me because I can't finish writing my thesis because of this problem. It took me so long time even for small change of the thesis.
  • Can you install the latest Zotero beta, disable "Automatic citation updates" in the plugin's Document Preferences, and see if that helps? (With that setting disabled, you'll need to press Refresh to update citations and the bibliography to reflect recent changes before submitting your paper. That feature isn't new, but the latest beta should make it even faster in large documents.)
  • I have a similar problem with my thesis (also over 50 MB, and while citations work, they took several minutes to load - really slowing down my progress on the thesis). Now I tried the beta version and it is AMAZING!!!!!! Thank you so much!!! Adding a citation is now almost instant (10 sec or so), as I am used to from short documents. This is a serious improvement!
  • Hello... it has slowed down again, I don't know what has brought about this change. I'm still working with the same document, and it has suddenly become much slower despite using the beta version which worked so well until yesterday.
  • update: sorry about the spam. It's working again now. I don't know what's going on...
  • The initial citation insert after starting Zotero can still take a while in a large document, since Zotero needs to scan the document for fields, and unfortunately that can be quite slow in Mac Word in particular. Subsequent inserts with "Automatic citation updates" should be much faster as long as you have "Automatic citation updates" disabled. Can you confirm that that's the case?
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