Zotfile - rename and add from a specified folder - how does that work?

I'm figuring out Zotfile in Zotero standalone on a Mac computer.

An advertised feature of Zotfile is that it can "rename and add the most recently modified file from the Firefox download or a user specified folder as a new attachment to the currently selected Zotero item." Is this somehow different from using the Zotero controls in the browser to import an item, or from dragging/dropping downloaded files from a folder into Zotero?

The feature sounds like there is some additional import functionality for folders. Is there supposed to be a right click command or something? I've specified a folder in Zotfile (my downloads folder), but nothing happens if I add or modify a file there. I still have to drag it into Zotero (unless importing directly from the browser using the Zotero button). Am I missing something?

  • What this refers to isn't really all that useful of a function -- you can attach the last item downloaded to a designated folder to a Zotero item that you specify. So think of a situation where you download the metadata but it doesn't include the PDF, you then download the PDF -- Zotfile let's you easily attach that.

    I don't think many people use this at all.
  • Okay. Thanks for the info.
  • If you select and right-click on an item in Zotero, you have the "Add Attachment from Source Folder" option, that will pull the latest file from the specified folder. It's looking at only the latest PDF, so the newer .XLSX file is not recognized. Bug or intended?

    You probably already know you can setup Zotfile so that when you save an item, Zotero will attach the PDF, and then Zotfile can pick from there, rename the PDF, and move it to whatever location you want. It's pretty seamless (no additional clicks).
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